
Κυριακή 30 Απριλίου 2017

κάποια πράματα μένουν

οι Zuputa madre, ένα αδίκως ξεχασμένο προγκρέσιβ ροκ συγκρότημα των σέβεντηζ από το μεξικό, είχε πολύ χαρακτηριστικό ήχο.

Δευτέρα 24 Απριλίου 2017

ειλικρινής κριτική #3

- ψιλομαλακία μου φαίνεται η ταινιούλα σας να σας πω την αλήθεια.
- λέτε, ε;
- νταξ άμα δείξετε λίγο βυζί στο τρέηλερ μπορεί και να μήν πάτε μπίτι για φαλιμέντο.
- το λέτε ως σινεφίλ αυτό;
- ως ποδολάγνοια πάν' απ' όλα.

Σάββατο 22 Απριλίου 2017

Παρασκευή 21 Απριλίου 2017

Compalsory applause coupling apple-pie order

The excessive skinned dark brown officer was chattering with his colleague and the senior manager when Sago perforated the background lull. In between slinking gestures, he darted his navy fedora aspiring to accord the hat with the hook, even by scrambling. And he triumphed! Forthwith, both of the audience of the stout, shifted their glance upon the victory, rebuffing their orator’s conversing enthusiasm and, rather, applauding Sago for his feat.

“Well done matey, nice shot!” said the elder.

“A proper neat as pin!” added the lovely female.

“Cheers, I am developing with practice, he… he… he…!” And then, the obese almost whimpered the wording:

“Hey! He got it this time, yey”

the wolf of wall street journal

citizen Kane had a less well-known business associate, citizen co-Kane.


- στη μολδαβία, λέει, η διαφθορά και η φτώχεια είναι τέτοιες σε έκταση, που κάποιοι βουλευτές εξαγοράστηκαν για μια οδοντόκρεμα.
- ναι ρε, είχαν βουίξει οι εφημερίδες. ήταν το λεγόμενο κολγκέητ-γκέητ.

Πέμπτη 20 Απριλίου 2017

Commingling the boulder of retrospect

The city resider was strolling on his bicycle with his accompanying nimble acolyte, who wasn’t at all tacitum, kept ascending and plopping on his saddle, prancing about, making his companion to fret and repine. At the next instant, a scarce noise like a brattle, commenced to emanate predominantly from the rear shaft.  They both terminated.
“I discern a brisk wobble on the back wheel”, said the resident.
“Spin the wheel faster as if to…” but the latter didn’t managed to completely develop his remark. He was abruptly interrupted by the afflicted protagonist. With a scowl drawn on his face he regarded:
“Stop playing the erudite and allow me to detect the malfunction! This susceptibility of yours, I can advise, is quite irritating!”
“But, I am not performing the witty… I just…”
“Yes, you do… stop it, allow me to hearken...”
At the same instant, an ambulance started racing and blustering loudly, shrouding the whole ambient in mere peril for the members’ ears, an explicit, outrageous ado. The speaker was hollering as voluminous as an old-steam engine’s horn. Both pals were kneeling down, with the inspector, trying to detect the source of the vibration while the ambulance was shrieking just about eight feet further from the spot. With contention, the surveyor stated profoundly:
“I think, I know what the problem is.”

the quantum elephant in the room

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quarks like a duck, then it probably is strange.

Τετάρτη 19 Απριλίου 2017

Inexplicable orb

The vagary of the drone denizen could not be halted when he encountered his colleague wearing reading glasses in the middle of the day

 “It is mere perilous to con reading glasses with such a glorious sun,” the robot hinted to the studious impostor.

 “Why, what will happen? What is the problem with that?” queried the reader, full of scarce distrust… and right away, the unison was lapsed by sunbeams, melting the eyes of the bookworm.


alternative mathematics

Theorem 1 Liouville numbers form a generic subset of the torus \( \mathbb{T}^{1} \).

Proof: We delete the interval of size \( 2 q^{-n} \) centered in \( \frac{p}{q} \), for every \( p \) and every \( q \). \( \square \)

Κυριακή 16 Απριλίου 2017

manic etokounmpo

- τι θα γίνει, θα το κουμπώσεις το αντιπυρετικό;
- θα το κουμπώσω.
- περιμένω.
- από πάνω μου θα κάτσεις;
- σαν το χάρο, μέχρι να το κουμπώσεις.
- (γκλούπ) άντε, το κούμπωσα.

Σάββατο 15 Απριλίου 2017

ω γλυκύ μου φρέαρ

- πω ρε  μαν, άιντε να 'ρθούνε οι άλλοι με τις μπύρες, ξεράθηκε το στόμα μου να πούμε.
- ναι ρε πστ, τρία γάρα κάναμε, άιντε να βραχεί λιγάκι το στόμα μας.
- επιτέλους να πούμε τριάντα ώρες, φέρε μια πράσινη όπως είσαι.

Πέμπτη 13 Απριλίου 2017

Arid magpie funneling debasement

The kindred motif was conducted through a disclosure about the diligent furnisment of the funds by the bursar. In his spare time he was beholding the privates of his womanlike tutees through the spectrum of a flock of cameras, sited all around his abode. In his thinker, an abundance of desolation with a mite of obsidian notions, that were, perceptibly, dreaded after his targets apprehended. So, that’s why he was, so kindly, piling the sand into hillocks.

φακτ νο 35

το 99% των ανθρώπων χρησιμοποιεί λιγότερο από το 10% του μουνιού της μάνας σου.

Δευτέρα 10 Απριλίου 2017

Fern-like sweeping through

The parakeet left astounding in front of the vast swathe of stumps. All of them chopped and in their position, just the base holding the roots beneath, and the convex surface protruding on the top. He was beholding a compelling sight after gravely insulting that studious Elder, severely disbelieving its faculties. For the parakeet, it was never a competition. Not even a confrontation. It was just a lean keen reabsorption of an intensified peer, forward, to the undetermined. 

grapes of roth

Klaus Roth tried to make his own wine during the great depression, but his vineyard's growth was very slow. His mathematical legacy was nonetheless quite important.

Πέμπτη 6 Απριλίου 2017

KAM is like masturbation

For reasons well known in KAM theory, when solving the linear cohomological equation over a Diophantine rotation, one has to introduce an infrared cut-off \( T_{N} \), projecting on frequencies lower than \( N\), and an ultraviolet cut-off \( R_{N} \), projecting on frequencies strictly higher than \( N\).
These operators can be easily estimated in the relevant norm by applying Johnson's cut-off theorem, proved in [Co98].

Since, however, we know by construction that
\( T_{N} + R_{N} = \mathrm{Id} \)
we obtain immediately the following corollary.
Corollary 1. The visible spectrum is empty. If you publish too much in KAM, you will go blind.

Τετάρτη 5 Απριλίου 2017

Mingling with poignant vestals

The pageant was a full spoof. The seer was quite slouch and brought discontent to the gyrating servitors. He was endeavoring to rant the rattle by polemics, though the result was a bore in water. A lot of the members became dissident. They started hurling vicarious insults to the oracle, in advertently, some profound truths, in addition. The notorious judge, threw a glimpse at the shrieking onlookers. His intellect engendered a vague spirit. His diminutive meant “crave”. His existence could be portrayed an obscenity to the surroundings. Only for just existing. He was wondering whether to open up cranking or just preserve the pastiche of the main tension.